Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Kevin Johnson

What would Oak Park be like without Kevin Johnson?

In the Sacramento area, most people have heard about Oak Park.  This area is Notorious for all types of activities:  from gangs, prostitution, drugs, crime, etc.  It's an area that has been plagued with all types of issues for a very long time.  However, it is so close to the Hub of great areas, businesses, and organizations around it that it's difficult not to recognize Oak Park as a jewel in the rough.  To me, Oak Park is the under dog that has tremendous potential.  It's literally next to Downtown, Midtown, East Sac, Tahoe Park, Curtis Park, Landpark but yet the values of the properties are sometimes 1/3 of what it's neighbors would pay; even if it's only about a few minutes walking distance. 

So if you have been avoiding Oak Park like the plague for the last few years due to rumors, I would suggest you look a little closer and check out the improvements around the area.  With Kevin Johnson's 40-Acre Gallery Projects, the expansion of the UC Davis Medical Center and McGeorge Law School, Vrilakas's popular 4th Ave Lofts, the Oak Park Farmers Market, and a bunch of investors and Yuppies (Young Urban Professionals) swooping in to invest and WORK/LIVE in this area, it's hard to disregard the buzz and excitement!  The Oak Park today has so much diversity and so much to offer at a discounted price from it's more affluent neighbors.  

On top of that the changes and plans that are coming up, there are neighborhood associations like OPNA (Oak Park Neighborhood Association) and Support from SHRA to revitalize Oak Park that anyone paying some attention will know that an investment in Oak Park Today is a pretty safe bet.  But like any investments, there are challenges and you will need to do some homework and make sure that you have a long term plan and weather the storm until the economy improves a little bit.  I know you might have heard this already, but I think the perception and landscape of Oak Park will change dramatically in 2012 due to some major developments slated to start in 2012 (Below are four examples):

1.  Fresh & Easy Market-Corner of Broadway and 34th Street (Mayor Kevin Johnson just did the ground breaking Ceremoney a few months ago).

Kevin Johnson at Ground Breaking Ceremony for Fresh & Easy.

2.  Vrilakas Project and Triangle Development-Corner of Broadway and 2nd/3rd Ave.  (Same Architect who successfully completed the popular 4th Avenue Lofts).

3.  Sacramento Food Bank new Education Center-Corner of 33rd St and 3rd Ave.  (The ground breaking was in October 2010.  The construction will be completed early of 2012).

4.  McDonald's- Corner of Stockton Blvd and 2nd Ave.  (This is a controversial development that is still struggling to get support from the residents who thinks we deserve more than a McDonald's).

First and foremost, Oak Park has a tremendous amount of support from the current Mayor, Kevin Johnson.  He grew up in the area and actually invests a lot of resources to revitalize the area.  He has championed the need to revitalize this tough neighborhood.  But KJ doesn't just talk about it, he actually puts his money where his mouth is.  For starters, I respect the fact that he is trying to make a difference in this small community.  And on a more global perspective, he's trying his best to save the Sacramento Kings, which I think is a pretty good effort.  Given that Sacramento desperately needs a sports team, not only for the sake and identity of The City, but for the fact that it will keep thousands of jobs in Sacramento.

The revitalization of Oak Park is NOT going to happen overnight.  It will take a lot of resources, dedication and money to tackle this MASSIVE project.  And regardless of the critics (who probably has little invested and wants to just shoot down any ideas and proposals to developments in Oak Park), The Mayor has stepped up and committed his time, energy and resources to make a difference.  Step up and do something people, stop sitting there and stomp on any possible and much needed progress for this charming Oak Park community in Sacramento.

In the words of JFK: "And so, my fellow [Oak Parkans]: ask not what your [Oak Park] can do for you - ask what you can do for your [Oak Park]." (I apologize ahead of time for butchering this famous line and taking it Waaaayyy out of context)  

This is actually what JFK said:  "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." 

So I sometimes wonder what Oak Park would be like without KJ?  Not sure but I am betting that Oak Park would probably not have as much progress...



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